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Successful Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide
By Paul Netscher
Construction management isn’t easy and requires a large skill set. Some of these skills can be learned by attending courses and colleges. However, others are only learned by experience, and often the hard way – learning from mistakes. A construction project manager has enormous responsibility to deliver construction projects safely, on time, within budget, while ensuring the project exceeds the required quality standards and specifications. They have to deal with clients, designers, subcontractors, suppliers, management, supervisors, artisans and workers. This book provides a step-by-step guide to successful construction management and project management, developed during my 30 years’ experience gained in the construction industry. It’s packed with useful construction management tips, insights and advice. Through real-world examples, this construction management and project management guide will show you how to avoid the many pitfalls in construction management and instead steer you towards successful construction project management. Included are chapters on construction project planning, scheduling, project management, project completion, people & subcontractor management, construction materials, equipment, quality, safety, project contract & financial management and a project management guide. Reading and using this highly acclaimed construction management and project management guide will enable project managers to avoid many of the common problems encountered on construction projects. The book is an excellent reference which can continually be referred to so that project managers don’t forget important steps in the construction project planning and construction management process. Become a successful construction manager with this construction management guide. Make every construction project a success! KEY FEATURES The key features of Successful Construction Project Management: The Practical Guide are;
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